
6 February 2013

Sisterhood of the Travelling Blog - Round Three

Welcome to Sisterhood of the Travelling Blog round three! This week I am hosting Torie N James, talking about her goals for 2013. You can find my entry for this week on her blog. 

Sisterhood of the Traveling Blog, Part Deux, Week 3…here we go!

My goal for 2013 is a two part dealio. I have plans to finish ‘Timeless Night’ by February 16th, which incidentally is also my birthday! Originally, I’d intended to finish the book by the end of December last year, but it was no go sitch due to some unforeseen circumstances.

I have a horrible habit of NOT finishing what I start and if I had a dime for every story I’ve begun and never finished, I’d have a helluva lot of dimes, trust me. I’ll get so far and then either my interest wanes or I drive myself crazy with a million other ideas and get so far off the mark of my original plot, that it falls apart. This time is slightly different. I’m so very much in love with my characters, I find myself dragging my feet because I’m not ready to let them go. But go they must. This will be my debut novel, my baby and I couldn’t be prouder of what I’ve done so far. Whether I go on to be in the big leagues or not, I will always continue to write as long as I can. It makes me happy and it was what I was born to do, I have no doubts there.

Also, I have the major honor of working with two amazing ladies, Stacy Moran and Ashley Nemer, on a soon to published poetry book courtesy of XoXo Publishing. Check us out at:  

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